The Hacis Member Services area is for freight forwarders and shippers to monitor and manage cargo shipments handled by Hacis.
Once registered, you can access integrated inventory information to perform centralised planning, and execute cargo handling operations. You can also obtain real-time information updates, enabling you to make proactive decisions based on accurate and up-to-date data.
We recommend you observe best practice in protecting account information, by changing passwords frequently. Please advise us immediately if there is any change to user information.
HEx is an advanced e-logistics platform that facilitates cargo information flow along the entire supply chain. With HEx, you can easily manage your air cargo inventory online, streamlining daily operations and maximising your operational efficiency.
Facilitates operations down to House Air Waybill level. |
Connects with Hactl COSAC-Plus to deliver real time cargo status monitoring. |
Links with Informative GPS event log to provide status of cross-border and local deliveries. |
Displays complete inventory records. |
Provides cargo statistics for management report and analysis. |
For further information, please contact our System Support Team: